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Ken Davidson

Ken Davidson

Husbanding, Fathering, Golfing and Developing way to retirement!! Since I've obviously got a ways to go, I do my best to keep busy. When I'm not out on the course or playing axeball in other room I'm generally reading about some new (to me) languages and frameworks that have piqued my interest.

Latest Posts

Playing Around with Eleventy

React Native Bluetooth Classic

Provide Bluetooth Classic RFCOMM support to both Android and IOS (External Acessory).

Jimbos NFL Pools

Live weekly scoring for Jimbo's NFL Spread pool. Currently a work in progress as Jimbo likes to change the source Excel file formats.

GSPro Courses

I've learned that regardless of my terrible artistic talent, it's extremely relaxing to build local courses to play on GSPro. The process is pretty straight forward although a little time consuming based on your level of perfection. Feel free to check out any of my courses, they aren't the best but they work!

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